EMF related country-specific information for Serbia
National Regulatory Authority (NRA) | NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) | NRA responsible for monitoring EMF | EMF material published by NRA | NRA publishes EMF measurements | Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF | Other noteworthy country specific practices | ICNIRP exposure level used Y/N? |
RATEL, RS | No. The Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia is responsible for setting exposure limits. | No, but Article 48 of the Serbian Law on electronic communications says that the agency shall measure the intensity of EMF generated by electronic communications networks, associated facilities, electronic communications equipment, and terminal equipment, in accordance with the threshold limit values specified in appropriate provisions, and for that, RATEL has developed a network of EMF sensors for continuous monitoring of the high-frequency electric field level. The internet portal EMF RATEL is available: https://emf.ratel.rs/eng/index |
Only the raw EMF data from monitoring stations. | Only the raw EMF data from monitoring stations. | No | The Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia and its Department of Noise Protection, vibration, and non-ionising. Radiation organizes a systematic examination of the level of non-ionising radiation in the environment for high and low frequencies. Results are published by the Environmental Protection Agency, a body within the Ministry of Environmental Protection. |