EMF related country-specific information for the Netherlands

Cooperation of national government + Health Council + the Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure + the Antenna Bureau + National Institute for Public Health and the Environment + the municipal Public Health Service + the Knowledge Platform on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Health

National Regulatory Authority (NRA) NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on EMF NRA responsible for monitoring EMF EMF material published by NRA NRA publishes EMF measurements Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF Other noteworthy country specific practices ICNIRP exposure level used
ACM, NL The national government follows ICNIRP 2020. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy will implement ICNIRP 2020 in national legislation, as recommended by the Health Council of the Netherlands in its advisory report on 5G and health. Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure Measurement results are published by the Antenna Bureau, the information agency of the Dutch Government concerning antennas and part of the Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure, on its website [reports in Dutch (https://www.antennebureau.nl/straling-en-gezondheid/resultaten-metingen-straling-antennes) and in the Antenna register (www.antenneregister.nl). The Antenna Bureau also provides information about the different types of EMF measurements as conducted by the Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure, including a video explaining how these measurements take place.
Long term plan by the Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure for measurements of EMF and the Protocol by the Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure for EMF-measurements [in Dutch]: https://www.rdi.nl/documenten/publicaties/2020/11/meerjarenplan-emv-en-meetprotocol/meerjarenplan-emv-en-meetprotocol
As mentioned before, the Antenna Bureau publishes measurement results on its website (https://www.antennebureau.nl/straling-en-gezondheid/resultaten-metingen-straling-antennes) and in the Antenna register (www.antenneregister.nl). The Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure, including the Antenna Bureau, collaborates with various (international) institutions, such as:
The Health Council of the Netherlands (Gezondheidsraad), an independent scientific advisory body, advises the Dutch ministers and Parliament in the field of public health and health/healthcare research, including EMF. In 2020 the Council published a report on 5G and EMF.
The Knowledge Platform on Electromagnetic Fields and Health ((Kennisplatform Elektromagnetische Velden en Gezondheid) https://www.kennisplatform.nl/english/) informs the public about EMF and health. In the Knowledge Platform, governmental and scientific organizations (RIVM, TNO, DNV, GGD GHOR Netherlands, Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure, and ZonMw) work together to interpret the latest results and make these accessible on a website for citizens, professionals, local governments and media.
The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment of the Netherlands (RIVM) (https://www.rivm.nl/en) informs the public about EMF and health on their website. Next to that, the RIVM analyses the scientific literature on the possible health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields.
ACM for the international perspective on EMF.
The Municipal Public Health Services (GGD), a nationwide overarching organization, has an important role in informing and educating citizens and professionals about EMF and health.
Other international NRAs and universities to share knowledge concerning EMF.
Throughout the year, the Antenna Bureau educates professionals (Mobile Network Operators, representatives of local government, etc.) about antennas. With courses (in collaboration with the Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure and the Knowledge Platform on EMF and Health) these professionals learn, among more technical and legislative topics, about EMF and health. Yes, the national government uses ICNIRP 2020. Later, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy will implement ICNIRP 2020 in national legislation.

    In order to inform the public on EMF and health it is important that research-based information is accessible to the public. The Dutch Knowledge Platform on EMF and Health, a collaboration of governmental and scientific organizations, interprets the latest results and makes these accessible to citizens, professionals, and local governments. The Antenna Bureau informs citizens, professional and local governments as well, but from a broader perspective. Topics concern technical aspects of antennas, legislation, and EMF and health. Research (commissioned by the Antenna Bureau) showed that local governments require (among other things) active support on themes like antennas, mobile communication and 5G. The Antenna Bureau, therefore, has expanded its ways of informing local governments. For health-related questions, citizens and local government can also contact the Municipal Public Health Services.