Frequently Asked Questions – Traineeships at the BEREC Office
May I submit an open/unsolicited/spontaneous application?
No. The BEREC Office does not consider open/unsolicited/spontaneous applications for traineeships. Only applications for published traineeships can be taken into consideration. The online application form is the only acceptable means of applying for a traineeship at the BEREC Office.
I have applied before and was rejected. Should I try again?
Yes, you may reapply following the publication of a new traineeship notice. However, you must submit a new application, together with all the documents requested.
Does the BEREC Office pay a grant?
Trainees are entitled to a monthly grant amounting to 25% of the basic monthly salary of a temporary agent in grade AD5, step four, applicable at the starting date of the traineeship.
Does the BEREC Office pay for travel expenses?
Trainees who receive a grant and whose place of recruitment at the beginning of the traineeship is more than 150 km from Riga are entitled to receive compensation for the travel expenses incurred at the beginning and end of the training period. Travel expenses for the inward journey and for the outward journey are compensated on the basis of the BEREC Office rules concerning the financial contribution towards travel and subsistence expenses for persons invited by the BEREC Office to attend written and oral tests in a selection procedure, an interview or a medical examination.
Further information is set out in Article 12 of Decision No MC/2016/08 on the Rules governing the Traineeship Programme of the BEREC Office.
Are all applications treated in the same way?
The BEREC Office applies a policy of equal opportunities and accepts applications without bias on the grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation.
What language should I use in my application?
English is the working language of the BEREC Office, and therefore very good knowledge of English is an essential requirement for a traineeship. For this reason, the documents concerning traineeships are only available in English, and applications should be submitted preferably in English.
How will I know that the BEREC Office has received my application?
After the submission of your application, you will receive an email acknowledgement confirming that your application has been successfully submitted.
What is the duration of the traineeship?
Traineeships are for an initial period of six months. The BEREC Office reserves the option to extend the traineeship once, and for a period to be determined. After this extension, further renewals are not possible. Trainees will be notified in advance if they will receive an extension to their traineeship. Traineeship periods may not be repeated or extended beyond the maximum length laid down in Decision No MC/2016/08 on the Rules governing the Traineeship Programme of the BEREC Office.