Country Country Code Code identifying the number range Name/Description Roaming tariff information Additional Information
Germany 49 115 Other National tariff: Usually as calls to geographic numbers Single government service telephone number / Under this phone number, a quick and uncomplicated first contact with the services of the entire public administration in Germany is possible. More complex questions will be forwarded to the responsible unit.
Germany 49 116 Other National tariff: Free of charge. Roaming is possible. Roaming calls may be charged. Numbers for harmonised services of social value / Numbers enable EU citizens to access certain services of high social value in all Member States under a single, recognizable telephone number.
Germany 49 1371 Other National tariff: 14 ct/call Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity.
Germany 49 1372 Other National tariff: 14 ct/min Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity.
Germany 49 1373 Other National tariff: 14 ct/min Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity.
Germany 49 1374 Other National tariff: 14 ct/min Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity.
Germany 49 1375 Other National tariff: 14 ct/call Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity.