End Users
The End Users Working Group (EU WG) focuses on promoting consumer choice and empowerment by developing policies that assist consumers in making better-informed choices and ensure access to electronic communications services for all, including users with disabilities. The aim of the EU WG is to reinforce the practical implementation of consumers’ rights, identifying and disseminating best practices among members of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC). The EU WG fosters consistency in the application of Directive (EU) 2018/1972 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Electronic Communications Code – the EECC, ensuring that directly or indirectly, consumers benefit from simpler and better contractual relations with their providers.
Working Group Co-chairs
(Note: This video was recorded in 2022. It may include one or more former Co-chairs)
Work in 2024
In 2024, the EU WG will continue working on related topics, based on the BEREC Work Programme 2024.
BEREC Opinion on Article 123 of the European Electronic Communications Code
BEREC is tasked with publishing an Opinion on the application of Title III of Part III of the EECC (referring to end user rights) every three years or more frequently if at least two MSs make a reasoned request.
Considering the obligation for regular periodic monitoring (every three years starting from 2021) of the technological and market developments as well as the phasing out legacy networks, in the use of the different types of electronic communications services, and analysis of their impact on the application of the end-user rights, BEREC will start with the analysis as a basis for the Opinion.
In addition, to exchange best practices on implementing and applying legislation on end-user rights implementing the EECC, BEREC is planning a workshop with representatives of the Member States, end-users (BEUC), operators and other stakeholders (ECTA, ETNO, organisations of persons with disabilities, etc.). The workshop will in particular deal with switching and terminating contracts.
BEREC Report on the Member States' best practices to support the defining of adequate broadband Internet Access Service (IAS) (carry-over)
Article 84 of the EECC provides that Member States (MSs) must ensure that all consumers in their territories have access, in light of specific national conditions, to an adequate broadband Internet Access Service (IAS) and to Voice Communications Services at an affordable price and to a specified quality, including the underlying connection, at a fixed location.
In 2020, BEREC published the first Report on MSs’ best practices to support the defining of adequate broadband. In 2023, BEREC adopted a draft document for public consultation. In 2024, after detailed assessment of all contributions from public consultation, the final report will be adopted.
BEREC Guidelines detailing Quality of Service (QoS) parameters (carry-over)
According to Article 104 of the EECC, National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) in coordination with Other Competent Authorities (OCAs) may require providers of IAS and of publicly available ICS to publish comprehensive, comparable, reliable, user-friendly and up-to-date information for end users on the quality of their services and on measures taken to ensure equivalence in access for end users with disabilities.
In 2020, BEREC published the first Guidelines BoR (20) 53 detailing QoS parameters with the provision of commencing a review two years from their publication. In 2023, BEREC adopted a draft document for public consultation. In 2024, after a detailed assessment of all contributions from the public consultation, the final revision of the Guidelines will be adopted.
Why is this important?
In recent years, among others, the electronic communications market has entered a new digital area in which end users are facing an increasing range of offers, particularly with regard to digital services, applications and the bundling of various products, moving away from the classical per-minute tariff-schemes towards flat rate packages. Moreover, the rapid growth of smartphones has created a need for data tariffs that are often non-transparent to end users, leading to unwanted costs. Throughout all aspects, it needs to be ensured that transparent information is available and end users have simple switching processes at hand. This calls for strengthening consumer protection in our future work to a high-level, particularly making information accessible also to disabled end user.
Published documents
Document Number | Publication Date | Title |
BoR (24) 42 | BEREC Guidelines detailing Quality of Service Parameters | |
BoR (24) 40 | BEREC Report on Member States’ best practices to support the defining of adequate broadband internet access service |