Contact Network


In accordance with the Board of Regulators Rules of Procedure, the Contact Network (CN) assists the Board of Regulators (BoR) in preparing its decisions. The CN is composed of senior representatives of all Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) Members with voting rights and Participants without voting rights. Moreover, the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) must also be represented in the CN. The CN is chaired by a representative of the Chair of the BoR. In 2025, the CN Chair is Mr Tom Boyce from the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) of Ireland.


The CN ensures the coordination of the proposals to be considered by the BoR and the BEREC Office Management Board. The BoR may decide to delegate some of its duties to the CN. In particular, the CN performs the following tasks:

  1. It makes the necessary preparations for each BoR meeting together with the BEREC Office:
    1. its aim is to resolve outstanding differences of opinions;
    2. it ensures that the proposed papers to be submitted to the BoR are prepared duly and in a timely manner;
    3. together with the BEREC Office Director, it agrees on the draft agenda for the ordinary meetings.
  2. It acts as a filter and facilitator between Working Groups and the BoR, with the assistance of the BEREC Office:
    1. it assesses the completeness and consistency of papers proposed to the BoR and ensures that they are ready for discussion and decision;
    2. it facilitates arrangements and coordination with the BEREC Office.

Moreover, the CN has the ability to delay items for consideration by the BoR in the case where further work and improvements are necessary, and make recommendations to it. In addition to its tasks, the CN also functions as an informal network to seek and exchange information on regulatory issues.


The meetings of the CN are connected to the meetings of the BoR. Usually, the CN  meets three to four weeks prior to the ordinary meetings of the BoR. If requested by the CN Chair, a meeting  also takes place ahead of any extraordinary BoR meetings.