Impact on consumers
Technical developments in mobile connectivity, can directly or indirectly have impact on consumers. Also here the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) follows the general trends, and where appropriate analyses the potential impact of these trends on regulatory challenges and options.
Who is impacted and how?
Consumers are impacted directly by technical developments, but also indirectly because technology trends may impact the way businesses use telecom to serve their consumers. Also, changing opportunities for certain types of Mobile Network Operators, or Mobile Virtual Network Operators or other mobile networks also entail changing opportunities or threats for end users.
What kind of impact?
For National Regulatory Authorities, multiple elements are important with respect to monitoring and safeguarding the position and rights of European consumers. Many of those aspects are also described in Directive (EU) 2018/1972 establishing the European Electronic Communications Code – the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC). Not only are the price level of telecom services important, but also their availability and coverage, as well as issues of quality and choice. As technology and market landscapes evolve, so do the elements that are important to be monitored and their interrelation.
BEREC’s standpoint
BEREC’s aim is to ensure consumer rights and to foster qualities like choice, quality and price of different telecom services. BEREC aims for good functioning telecom markets with room for competition, innovation and sustainability.