Draft BEREC Report on the evolution of private and public 5G networks in Europe

This report sets out BEREC’s preliminary views on the current status, and needs, and regulatory issues concerning the implementation of private 5G networks in Europe, from the perspective of national regulatory authorities (“NRAs”). BEREC’s views are predominantly based on an internal survey1 to NRAs, which highlights that few dedicated frameworks for private networks have been implemented to date, and those that have designed to meet specific needs in countries. As a result of its preliminary analysis, BEREC considers that the case for further harmonisation by it towards private networks is inconclusive at this stage. BEREC is also aware that EU Members States are taking different approaches regarding numbering and spectrum issues and that it is the intent of the European Commission (through the Radio Spectrum Committee) to harmonise dedicated radio frequency ranges for private networks. BEREC is now seeking views from interested parties which may help to provide new perspectives for consideration by NRAs.

Document number: BoR (24) 150
Document date: 03 October 2024
Date of registration: 08 October 2024
Document type:
Author: BEREC