Letter from the BEREC Chair to the budgetary authority and the European Counrt of Auditors for submitting the analysis and the assessment of the BEREC Office 2013 authorising officer's annual administrative report
According to Article 40 of the Decision MC (14) 44 (the old BEREC Office Financial Regulation, which is still in force by the end of 2014), the authorising officer has to submit an Annual Administrative Report to the Management Committee on the performance of his duties. Not later than 15 June each year, the Management Committee has to send the budgetary authority (The Council of the EU and the European Parliament) and the European Court of Auditors an analysis and an assessment of the authorising officer's annual administrative report on the previous financial year.
This analysis and assessment has to be included in the AAR of the Office, to be drawn up by the MC in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 (2) of the BEREC Regulation.Therefore during its 19th meeting held on 6 June 2014 the Management Committee examined the 2013 Annual Administrative Report of the BEREC Office Administrative Manager and Authorising Officer (document MC (14) 41 rev.1) and approved its analysis and the assessment of the afore-mentioned Report. It was included as appendix 2 to the 2013 BEREC Office Annual Activity Report.
As required by the legislation in force this analysis and the assessment has been submitted to the Council of the EU, the European Parliament and the European Court of Auditors for information and consideration.