The Register is structured chronologically and covers all categories of the documents issued by BEREC and the BEREC Office. Particularly, documents are organized into the following major categories:
Document Number Document date Document Title Document author
BoR (24) 76 Voting report on the BEREC high-level position on artificial intelligence and virtual worlds BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 74 Launch of urgent e-voting (VOTING ROUND) on the BEREC h-l position on AI BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 69 Launch of urgent e-voting (COMMENTS ROUND) on the BEREC high-level position on artificial intelligence and virtual worlds BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 67 Voting report on the draft Ad-hoc PRDs for FNE WG on BEREC Guidelines under the GIA BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 66 Launch of urgent e-voting (VOTING ROUND) on the PRDs for FNE WG on BEREC Guidelines under the GIA BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 63 Launch of urgent e-voting (COMMENTS ROUND) on the draft Ad-hoc PRDs for FNE WG under Gigabit Infrastructure Act BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 60 Voting report on the BEREC Opinion on Phase II case MT 2024/2484 BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 58 Launch of urgent e-voting (VOTING ROUND) on the Draft BEREC Opinion on Phase II case MT 2024_2484 BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 35 BoR comments round: Preliminary Draft BEREC Opinion on Phase II case MT 2024/2484 BEREC Office
BoR (24) 34 Voting report on the draft BEREC comments on draft ENISA Report on CPE Cybersecurity BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 33 Voting report on the Draft BEREC Opinion on Meta's draft reference offer to facilitate WhatsApp interoperability under Article 7 of the DMA BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 30 Voting report on the draft BoR decision on the appointment of the PFT WG Co-Chair BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 32 Launch of urgent e-voting (VOTING ROUND) on the draft BEREC comments on draft ENISA Report on CPE Cybersecurity BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 31 Launch of urgent e-voting (VOTING ROUND) on the Draft BEREC Opinion on Meta draft reference offer BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 27 Launch of urgent e-voting (COMMENTS ROUND) on BEREC Opinion on Meta reference offer under Article 7 of DMA BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 28 Voting report on the draft PRD for Input to the EC calls for contributions on AI BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 24 Launch of urgent e-voting (COMMENTS ROUND) on the draft BEREC comments on draft ENISA Report on CPE Cybersecurity BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 26 Launch of urgent e-voting (VOTING ROUND) on the appointment of the PFT WG Co-Chair BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 25 Launch of urgent e-voting (VOTING ROUND) on the draft PRD for Input to the EC calls for contributions on AI BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 22 Launch of urgent e-voting (COMMENTS ROUND) on the draft PRD for Input to the EC calls for contributions on AI BEREC Chair