BEREC Report on tools and methods used to identify commercial and technical practices for the implementation of article 3 of Regulation 2015/2120

In 2016 BEREC published Net Neutrality guidelines as mandated by the Regulation 2015/2120. This regulation also prescribes that NRAs shall “closely monitor and ensure compliance” with the Regulation, and that NRAs shall “publish reports on an annual basis regarding their monitoring and findings”.One of the ways in which NRAs might identify contractual, commercial and technical practices introduced by ISPs at national level and assess their compliance with the provisions of Article 3 of the Regulation 2015/2120 is through the use of detection tools and methods, in particular three kinds: network diagnostic tests, processing of end-user reporting/complaints and regulatory surveys. BEREC therefore reports on and analyses existing tools and suggests best practices. It will include a Technical and Commercial Practices Investigation (TCPI) template, similar to the one used in the BEREC/European Commission 2012 Traffic Management Investigation, for NRAs to use voluntarily as part of their future monitoring activities; the TCPI template can be valuable for preparation of the national implementation reports, in order to have a common scope of information.

Document number: BoR (17) 241
Document date: 07 December 2017
Date of registration: 13 December 2017
Document type:
Author: BEREC