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Virtual workshop on a harmonized data collection regarding Number Independent Interpersonal Communication Services and Video-streaming Services

Event Date: 19 November 2020
Event Location: Virtual event

On 19 November 2020, BEREC  held a virtual workshop to discuss a list of harmonized indicators that National Regulatory Authorities may consider collecting in the future from the providers of Number Independent Interpersonal Communication Services (NIICS) and Video-streaming Services.

The virtual workshop had two sessions – morning (NIICS) and afternoon (Video- streaming). During the sessions the participants and BEREC discussed a provisional list of indicators and their definitions.  The presentations made at the workshop can be found below.

The active engagement from stakeholders during the event will help BEREC to obtain an understanding on whether the indicators and definitions are appropriate and consider possible alternatives, the efforts for companies in providing the data,  and finally to assess the proportionality of the data requests.

Please find the agenda for the workshop and the list of indicators to be discussed here: Invitation letter

After considering the workshop outcome, BEREC will draft a report. The Board of Regulators will adopt the document for public consultation in spring of 2021, to publish the final report with the definite list of indicators in September next year.