BEREC will run three public consultations from 7 June till 5 July 2017

24 May 2017

On 7 June, in Brussels, during the Public debriefing BEREC will launch three public consultations on the following documents: BEREC Medium-term strategy 2018-2020, Internet protocol interconnection practices in the context of Net Neutrality and BEREC regulatory methodology for quality of service assessment for the implementation of Net Neutrality provisions. All the public consultations will run for four consecutive weeks, and will end on 5 July 2017.

Although the approval of the next BEREC plenary is needed for these three public consultations, BEREC invites stakeholders to prepare their resources in order take an active role in providing comments on the documents during these public consultations.

BEREC values very much the views of all stakeholders, and expresses its appreciation and gratefulness for the time, resources and efforts that will be spent for this activity.

As BEREC is fully committed in enhancing transparency and participation to its activities, it encourages all stakeholders to submit their contributions via the new BEREC online public consultation tool which will be available together with the traditional email submission.