E-voting procedures

379 Results: BEREC / E-voting procedures
Document Number Document date Document Title Document author
BoR (25) 13 Voting report on the Draft Outline BEREC Work Programme 2026 BEREC Chair
BoR (25) 03 Launch of urgent e-voting (VOTING ROUND) on the Draft Outline BEREC Work Programme 2026 BEREC Chair
BoR (25) 12 Voting report on the Draft BEREC Opinion on Phase II case SE/2024/2555-2556 BEREC Chair
BoR (25) 06 Launch of urgent e-voting (VOTING ROUND) on the Draft BEREC Opinion on Phase II case SE/2024/2555-2556 BEREC Chair
BoR (25) 02 Launch of e-voting (COMMENTS ROUND) on the Draft Outline BEREC Work Programme 2026 BEREC Chair
BoR (25) 05 Launch of urgent e-voting (COMMENTS ROUND) on the Draft BEREC Opinion on Phase II case SE/2024/2555-2556 BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 131 Voting report on the BoR decision on the approval of the BEREC’s self-assessment tool for NRAs’ independence.pdf BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 130 Launch of e-voting (VOTING ROUND) on the BoR decision on the approval of the BEREC’s self-assessment tool for NRAs’ independence BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 129 Launch of e-voting (COMMENTS ROUND) on the BoR decision on the approval of the BEREC’s self-assessment tool for NRAs’ independence BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 126 Voting report on the draft BEREC’s input to the EC public consultation on the White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs” BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 125 Launch of urgent e-voting (VOTING ROUND) on the draft BEREC’s input to the EC public consultation on the White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs” BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 124 Launch of urgent e-voting (COMMENTS ROUND) on the draft BEREC’s input to the EC public consultation on the White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?" BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 111 Voting report on the draft BEREC Opinion on Meta’s reference offer published in March 2024 to facilitate WhatsApp interoperability under Article 7 of the Digital Markets Act BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 110 Launch of urgent e-voting (VOTING ROUND) on the draft BEREC Opinion on Meta’s reference offer published in March 2024 to facilitate WhatsApp interoperability under Article 7 of the Digital Markets Act BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 109 Launch of urgent e-voting (COMMENTS ROUND) on the draft BEREC Opinion on Meta’s reference offer published in March 2024 to facilitate WhatsApp interoperability under Article 7 of the Digital Markets Act BEREC Chair
BoR (24) 76 Voting report on the BEREC high-level position on artificial intelligence and virtual worlds BEREC Chair