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BEREC (the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications) and its counterparts from EaPeReg (Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network), REGULATEL (Latin American Forum of 03/07/2015
The annual report on BEREC activities in 2014 is based on the work streams and priorities identified in the BEREC Work Programme for 2014 as well as 01/07/2015
In order to discuss the digital priorities for 2015 and key EU regulatory issues, on 23 June the telecom operators, the EU institutions, regulators, academics, 23/06/2015
In order to discuss the digital priorities for 2015 and key EU regulatory issues, on 23 June the telecom operators, the EU institutions, regulators, academics, 23/06/2015
To improve the connectivity, accelerate the investments and stimulate the competition - these are the major tasks for the Body of European Regulators for the 18/06/2015
Dear reader, In the new issue of the BEREC newsletter (05/2015) please find more information on current issues the BEREC is working on, as well 18/06/2015
On 15 June, the BEREC Vice-Chair, Lidia Kozlowska, on behalf of the BEREC Chair 2015 Professor Fatima Barros, participated in the 10th Annual European Spectrum 15/06/2015
On 15 June, the BEREC Vice-Chair, Lidia Kozlowska, on behalf of the BEREC Chair 2015 Professor Fatima Barros, participated in the 10th Annual European Spectrum 15/06/2015